Yes, yes, I know I said I’d be posting again in a week, and that week passed several days ago. But among the souvenirs I brought back from Canada was a vicious little virus that’s kept me mostly laid up since I got home. And while I could certainly go for sips of a cocktail between violent bursts of coughing, my sense of taste and smell is all screwy, so I haven’t even been able to crack into the bottle of Giffard Ginger of the Indies Liqueur that I brought home, and that I’ve been fantasizing about for days now. (Though I did manage to work out another post for Serious Eats while sweating and delerious with fever, if you’re looking to kill a few minutes at work).
So, hopefully I’ll be back and around in the next couple of days. I’ve got a bunch of booze that needs blogging.
Welcome back to the states, and hope you brought back some Havana Club.
can’t tell you how many times that’s happened to me. take a vacation, get rested, come back ready to take on the world and – thud- you get sick. hope you feel better and welcome back.
Welcome back to the states, and hope you didn’t bring back some Havana Club (man that stuff is overrated).
When you get better, try a Debonair with the Giffard Ginger…yummy stuff.
If you’re feeling stuffy, try this Giffard recipe I’ve created for those fall/winter sniffles:
2 oz Rye
1 oz Ginger of the Indies
1 dash Angostura bitters
2 dashes orange bitters
2 oz apple juice
zest of lemon
zest of orange
place all in metal tin and steam until the tin is hot to the touch
pour contents into a snifter
consume and get well
Did you have a caesar in Canada? which is better a caesar or blood mary?