Category Archives: Events

Three Quick Things

I’ve been busy as hell the last few weeks, and that’s not due to change for a while, but there are a few items needing a quick note: First, Mixology Monday XVI is upon us. This coming Monday, June 18, post your favorite drink for the theme “Creme de la Creme,” using cream-based liqueurs (or,… Continue Reading

Who Is This Man, and Why You Should Care

It’s Memorial Day weekend, the unofficial start of summer here in the U.S., and for cocktail geeks everywhere it’s a time to be gearing up for what looks to be a very busy season. Already folks in New York City are scouring fine liquor stores, searching for the first shipment of true-blue, bonafide absinthe to… Continue Reading

Tickets to Tales

In case you haven’t strayed over to the Tales of the Cocktail website recently, tickets are now on sale for the mightiest cocktail event of the year. I know that cost can be an issue, but consider this: you can stay at the Hotel Monteleone, one of the city’s most elegant and historic hotels, for… Continue Reading

Cocktail Competition

It’s Friday night, and we’re fresh off the Mixology Monday dealing with Shooters; given the situation, you might expect “cocktail competition” to be the headline for a post about how many you can pour down your throat before sliding off your barstool, but actually this is about a chance to have one of your own… Continue Reading

Here it comes: Tales of the Cocktail 2007

After spending the past six months sighing about what a great time I had in New Orleans last summer, I was excited to see that the schedule was posted today for the next round of the greatest cocktail-related event of the year: Tales of the Cocktail 2007, at the Hotel Monteleone and various venues around… Continue Reading