Category Archives: Events

Repeal Day and MxMoX

Sure, we just polished off one holiday (those of us in the U.S., anyway), and just ahead is a bevy of holidays to celebrate. But in between the office parties and fancy Christmas get-togethers, there are a couple of other events to keep in mind: Coming up first, chronologically speaking, is the fabulous new drink… Continue Reading

Mark the Calendar

Apologies for the long absence, but it’s been another stretch of time when I’ve been too busy to breathe (part of my workload, though, has been booze-related, which I’ll be able to discuss more fully in January). But before I go back under, I need to remind/alert everyone of three upcoming dates: Next Monday, October… Continue Reading

Mixology Monday VII & beyond

Back from vacation — tanned, rested and as ready as I’ll ever be. While I was gone the comments and e-mails came pouring in — thanks for your interest, everyone, I’ll eventually get everything answered — and apparently the spammers pushed their way through a hole in the Akismet dike last weekend and soaked my… Continue Reading

Tales of the Cocktail, Day 4 and Wrap-up

Sorry for the delayed post – I’m sure a few folks figured I’d fallen into a giant Pimms Cup and was never seen again, and they wouldn’t be far from the truth, but the reality is I was so wiped out after days of cocktail-related seminars and shenanigans that I just didn’t have the energy… Continue Reading

Tales of the Cocktail, Day 3

The hangover was blissfully mild, but I learned my lesson — keep the food coming, and don’t go crazy when the drinks start flowing. Easy to say, but when you wind up with back-to-back events and you have some incredible cocktail personally mixed by a cocktail luminary, saying “no” isn’t really an option. Still, today… Continue Reading