Category Archives: Events

Reminder: Mixology Monday II

Just in case anybody forgot to mark their calendar, this Monday, May 8, is the second Mixology Monday. The May event is being hosted by Darcy at The Art of Drink, and Darcy has selected the theme to be “Coffee” — drinks made with it; drinks made with coffee liqueur; virtually any kind of coffee… Continue Reading

Mixology Monday I Roundup: Pastis

Excellent! The inaugural Mixology Monday turned out better than I’d expected. Eight bloggers, ranging from Portland to Madrid, participated in today’s event, posting notes about their experiences with the French anise-flavored liqueur, along with drink recipes, cultural info and a few reasons why the whole flavor of pastis just gives them the willies. Massive thanks… Continue Reading

Cocktails 101: The Home Bar

All successful insurrections begin over drinks. OK, I have no evidence to back that up, other than a vague recollection that the Sons of Liberty gathered support for the American revolution in Colonial taverns, and that French anti-royalists plotted their rebellion in Parisian coffeehouses. But if this half-remembered notion holds true, what I witnessed earlier… Continue Reading

Mixology Monday

Following up on my last post, I’ve thought for a while that it’d be great to have a regular event in the fine cocktails and mixology community that would provide a way for readers and participants to explore some really great drinks and have a good time. Drawing on the examples established by the food… Continue Reading

Bar Blogging Event?

Over at The Art of Drink, Darcy lists a few cocktail blogs that he regularly frequents (including, I’m flattered to say, this one). When I first started The Cocktail Chronicles, coming up on a year ago now, blogging about cocktails was a pretty lonely business (folks such as Chuck Taggart, Drinkboy and Slakethirst had pioneered… Continue Reading