Category Archives: Events

Katrina Relief Fund

The New Orleans-based Museum of the American Cocktail has established a relief fund for survivors of Hurricane Katrina. Proceeds from the fund will go directly to assisting New Orleans food & beverage industry workers whose lives and livelihoods have been disrupted by the catastrophe, and their families. Go to the museum’s website to make your… Continue Reading

That’s the Whiskey Talking: A Conversation with Fred Noe

Fred Noe’s first words to me are a rebuke, of sorts. “It’s Fred—’Mister’ is too stuffy,” he says as he saunters over and shakes my hand. Despite my initial misstep in calling him “Mr. Noe,” Frederick Booker Noe III is the very picture of good-natured amiability. With an accent that is pure Kentucky, a friendly… Continue Reading

Nothing Shaking

From Seattle Weekly, 6/1/05 “Last week wrapped up a new three-week, 23-restaurant cocktail promotion called the Great Seattle Shake. Sponsored in part by the Seattle Weekly, the event aimed to entice cocktail drinkers to sample two signature drinks paired with an appetizer for $15. Whether it was the 7 to 10 p.m. time frame (threatening… Continue Reading