News you can use — no, really!

I’ve mentioned it before, and probably will again one more time in the next week, but this little site over at Blogging Tales of the Cocktail has tons of useful info for anyone attending Tales of the Cocktail, or anyone wishing they had. Now, with a new post that just went up, the site has… Continue Reading

Come Dine With Me

Next week is Tales of the Cocktail, and I’m completely swamped with final preparations. I spent most of today filtering spent strawberries out of Partida reposado for the Tequila por Mi Amante I’ll be serving at the “Making Your Own Cocktail Ingredients” session, along with finishing up a large batch of falernum and decanting nearly… Continue Reading

About Freakin’ Time, Part Two

If you’ve been around here much, you’ve probably figured out that I have a thing for vintage cocktail books (though I don’t have a thing for updating my bookcase list–that thing’s way out of date). I’m fortunate that I got into this whole cocktail thing somewhat early, because some of the volumes I prize most… Continue Reading

(Are they just making this stuff up?)

Tales of the Cocktail is now just a few weeks away, and Jesus, am I busy. I want to point out a few things that I’ll be doing in New Orleans — such as posting updates with more than 30 of my fellow booze-bloggers at Blogging Tales of the Cocktail (coincidentally, where this is cross-posted)… Continue Reading

MxMo XXIX: New Orleans (and a little extra)

[This notice is cross-posted at the Mixology Monday blog. What MxMo blog, you ask? Well click on through and see — I’m not running nearly as late with this as I thought I’d be.] We’ve recently marked the second anniversary of Mixology Monday, and this month’s event had almost 40 participants, possibly the most ever.… Continue Reading